I decided I'm not going to make any desicions for some time. I'll just breathe and eat and sleep and ...
There's a lot of guavas spread on the ground of my backyard. The hens will probably eat them.
My hair is horrible. It will have to wait, too
Ronaldo scored an unforgetable goal. Lucky guy! God bless him.
No more sugar, the doctor said to me. How can I live without sugar? No way! I'll try to eat less, which means about half of a lot of it. I hope it will be enough.
I dreamed I was moving house. I was very busy, but happy.
I saw the number two Pink Panther. The movie theater was so empty, (three people in all) that I could hear my laughing alone. It sounded so awkward, so different from the way I used to laugh. I almost cried.